Tuesday, August 26, 2008

so sorry everyone

I want to post all new things but yesterday I had to do a million things I worked 8am -4 30 then I had to get a oil change and it took me forever to get home from herndon Ethan and I sat in traffic for an hour and half then I found a oil change place it was great then I went to get my friend Candice she lives across the street it was 7 20pm already so she could help my make a list and help with Ethan I made Ethan dinner and packed but I still have alot more to pack I ordered chinise at 9pm and then Ethan had some also so we didn't go to bed till 10 45pm and the hardest thing I am working 8am til 12 midnight and then we leave at 3 am tomorrow Wednesday morning. So I still have to get my toes done, get Ethan more sunscreen and I got to go to Target I just have to. So lets hope I get two hours after Marcus picks Ethan up so I can do my last things so I won't be so stressed. I am just so excited. So I will try to post Marcus tattoo but you might all have to wait till labor day when we are back.