Friday, November 28, 2008

MY Adventures on Black Friday

Sorry no Pictures but you may have seen the news. Well This blog is just about how crazy I am ok so at 11pm my mom comes over with her quilt and her jammies. I leave and head to my friend Mabels house I am there by 11 40 we get in the car Rie and her son who is 11 also come along we go to the outlets WOW so many people out. The lines to the light are to long so we just pass everyone and start cutting over Well we made it and now we are ready to get some good deals. The first thing we see is the Coach Outlet with a long long long line so Rie and I go to Gymboree I find a few thing (sorry can't tell what deals I got are but the store was 30% off everything) so after a hour in the long long line we go check on Mabel she is in the coach line well I decide to go look arround well all the lines are outside the doors and man it was cold. so after Mbel stood in the line for 2 hours we got in The people she was in line were so nice I did stand for at least 30 mins It was soooooooooooo cold ok so we are in Wow I am not a purse person and there are people buying over 7 purses wow they must have money sorry not me . Well I did not buy anything but I did run into a very good friend who i have not seen in years we hopefully will not lose contact I was so excited. Ok now its 3 15am and we are off to Mc Macdonald's we are soooo hungry so then we head over to Khols The line is almost around the building its 3 50am and who do we see well it Marcus Man to bad I need to shop for him I did and it was so worth it then we waited in another line for an hour and then we went to Walmart those lines were sooooo long around the store we lucked out we only had a few items and this lady just checked us out now on to Target that wasn't that bad no lines just crazy people. Mabel and Rie went home to sleep I had one more plae to go it was 730 and I got to the mall and by 930am i was home and luckily my mom let me sleep for a little Ethan keep coming to check on me but once Ethan fell asleep I was really asleep for 2 hours I feel great but the day went by to fast. I am so ready for Christmas and I know Santa is going to good to Ethan.